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Dynamic Routing and Guaranteed Delivery


KubeFox routes dynamically at runtime. As requests traverse an application in KubeFox, they are evaluated at each component-to-component transition. That enables KubeFox to route requests to the correct component for a specific version of the application - even if there are multiple versions of that same component running in the cluster. In concert with KubeFox's Virtual Environments and Deployment Distillation, Dynamic Routing is one of KubeFox’s greatest superpowers.

We'll start with some KubeFox fundamentals to build some context, but you can jump straight to Dynamic Routing if you wish.


As described in Concepts, an application (App) is exactly what you think it is. Abstractly, Apps are collections of components that work together to perform tasks that serve to make that application useful, e.g., “get me a list of these products”, “create this order”, “add these items to my inventory” etc. (though it's likely that these individual capabilities would themselves be broken into various components). Components in Kubernetes can be functions or microservices. A well-constructed App consists of components that have discrete functions and lack dependencies, where dependencies are interactions between components that (a) lack well-defined interfaces and/or (b) where a change in one component can break another component.

When a developer modifies or enhances an App, they work with one or more components. Without KubeFox, they need to be concerned with component-level considerations and CI/CD when they want to deploy and test their changes. And they need to understand how their changes will be incorporated into Kubernetes to ensure that their test scenario is viable and coordinated with their teammates.

With KubeFox, developers work at the App level. Irrespective of which components they modify, delete or add, KubeFox determines the differences between the current and prior deployment. You can think think of this much like a component-level diff. KubeFox then builds, containerizes and distills deployments to only those components that have changed (see Deployment Distillation for more information on this). Best of all, developers can spool up what appear to be individual sandboxes - without needless bureaucracy and without their changes to a component affecting a teammate's use of that component.

While KubeFox will deploy only changed components, it is aware of the composition of the App and will route requests only to the versions of components that composed that App at deployment time. This is the guaranteed delivery piece of KubeFox's Dynamic Routing.

Dynamic Routing starts with Genesis Events.

Genesis Events

When requests originate - Genesis Events in KubeFox – KubeFox employs matching logic to determine how the request should be routed. Once a Genesis Event is matched, metadata is associated with the request. That metadata follows the request throughout its lifespan, and informs KubeFox how the request should be routed as it moves from component to component in the App.

Let's take a look at KubeFox Matching.

KubeFox Matching

Figure 1 - Standard Domain Prefix

Of course, all HTTP requests start with the standard domain prefix (a). In Figure 1, traffic is directed to the currently-released version of the hello-world App at

Figure 2 - KubeFox Environment Subpath

KubeFox employs straightforward conventions for matching. HTTP requests are identified by subpath. When you define KubeFox Environments, you specify the subpath that KubeFox will use to identify the inbound requests that should map to that Environment. In Figure 2 (b), the subpath 'dev' tells KubeFox that it should use the Environment that specifies the 'dev' subpath. Though optional, the KubeFox Environment typically maps to a traditional environment by Kubernetes namespace, for instance, the 'dev' namespace in this case.

The YAML to define an Environment is extremely simple. Below is YAML that defines our 'dev' Environment.

kind: Environment
  name: dev
    type: Testing
    who: Universe
    subPath: dev

The subPath variable tells KubeFox that traffic inbound to will be managed by the 'dev' Environment.

In addition to identifying a request subpath, the Environment provides a set of values (e.g., Kubernetes environment variables) that are common to the KubeFox VEs that map to that Environment. In the example above, we've defined a 'who' variable. This is largely a convenience. Environment variables can be overridden in KubeFox VEs, but values that are shared can simply be inherited from the Environment (part of the VE definition is the Environment from which that VE is inheriting configuration). If a value changes in the Environment, then the KubeFox VEs pointing to that Environment inherit that change.

So far, what we've discussed may seem largely consistent with native Kubernetes. Where things really get interesting is when KubeFox Virtual Environments (VEs) enter the picture. VEs enable teams or even individual engineers to create sandboxes to provide for rapid prototyping, feature development, side-by-side testing, versioning and a host of other capabilities.

There are two ways to access deployments in KubeFox VEs:

  1. Perform a Release with the fox CLI; or
  2. Reference a deployment using query parameters

Increasing flexibility usually comes at the expense of increased complexity; however, KubeFox VEs increase flexibility while reducing complexity. VEs enable you to create sandboxes, and can be spooled up by teams or even by individual engineers - without DevOps and with built-in controls to distill provisioning to the minimum.

Figure 3 - KubeFox kf-dep Deployment Selector Query Parameter

In Figure 3, we're selecting the 'hello-world-main' deployment (c) of the hello-world App. This is just the hello-world App on the main branch in the repository.

Figure 4 - KubeFox kf-ve Virtual Environment Selector Query Parameter

We're also further qualifying (Figure 4) that we want traffic directed to the hello-world-main deployment in the team-a VE (d).

Individual engineers can spool up VEs and deploy applications on their own. Suppose Joe has an enhancement to our hello-world App. Joe can create his own VE (we'll call the file "joe-ve.yaml"):

kind: VirtualEnvironment
  name: joe
  environment: dev

and load the VE into the cluster:

kubectl apply -f joe-ve.yaml

Now Joe can test his version of the App. He just references his deployment as seen here in Figure 5 (e):

Figure 5 - Joe's deployment from his branch

and his VE (Figure 6 (f) below):

Figure 6 - Joe's VE

You can repeatedly deploy other versions of an app to the same VE and access them explicitly with query parameters. Alternatively, you can iteratively deploy and release, enabing you to test each new version of the App without modifying HTTP requests. Let's go just a bit deeper on the KubeFox Release.

KubeFox Release

You've seen how we can direct traffic to specific deployments and VEs with query parameters. You can also default traffic to a deployment by effecting a KubeFox Release. A KubeFox Release is made by using the fox CLI - e.g.:

fox publish --version v2 --virtual-env team-a
fox release v2 --virtual-env team-a

would release version v2 of the deployment on which we’re working to the team-a Virtual Environment. By ‘default traffic’, we mean traffic without employing query parameters to explicitly specify a deployment or Virtual Environment. Remember the URL in Figure 1 above?

Figure 7 - Plain URL for the hello-world App

This URL has no query parameters, so traffic will be routed to the currently-released version of the hello-world App running in the team-a VE. We can make successive changes to the App, releasing each time:

fox publish --version v3 --virtual-env team-a
fox release v3 --virtual-env team-a

By doing so, we can use the same plain URLs (sans query parameters) to access the updated releases.

Prior releases are still available to us using query parameters. For instance, after releasing v3, we can access v2 with query parameters:

Figure 8 - Accessing version v2 of the hello-world App

Dynamic Routing

How does KubeFox achieve this?

When requests originate, KubeFox evaluates them and attaches metadata that informs it of a variety of things; key items include the Source and Target Components, App Deployment, Virtual Environment and Manifest. There are additional items that help KubeFox manage the request (you can review the metadata in detail here: Protocol Buffers).

Figure 9 - Genesis Event Identification

In Figure 9, a Genesis Event has occurred (1), KubeFox has associated metadata with it (2) and delivered it to its Event Transport (3).

Figure 10 - Component-to-Component Routing

In Figure 10, you see a simplified view of the component-to-component routing workflow.

  1. Component A is making a call to Component B
  2. The KubeFox Broker knows that Component A is the source of the call, and it also knows what deployment this is, what the VE is, and the version of Component B to which it should route the request. It also knows the versions of the two components.
  3. The Broker validates that the request is legal (that this version of Component A is allowed to make the call to Component B, that the request is being routed to the correct version of Component B - meaning the version that is part of the same deployment, and that the version of Component B is present in the same VE) - and delivers the request
  4. Component B receives the request

The checks described here are part of KubeFox's Guaranteed Delivery capability.

Application Manifest

KubeFox has cognizance of the composition of the application. That awareness enables KubeFox to do a few things:

  1. Distill deployments (see Deployment Distillation) to unique components only.
  2. Understand which components and component versions are part of a deployment.
  3. Guarantee delivery of requests to the correct versions of components - specifically, the collection of component versions that were part of the App for a particular deployment

Let's take a vastly oversimplified look at what dynamic routing can do.

Figure 11 - Dynamic Routing - v1 Deployment

As shown in Figure 11, requests directed to the v1 deployment will be processed by those components that were part of the application when it was deployed - in this case, Component A (v1) and Component B (v1). KubeFox makes it appear as if the only components running in the cluster are these two components.

What happens if we want to make a modification to Component B, creating a new version of Component B (v2) and we deploy again?

Figure 12 - Dynamic Routing - v2 Deployment

In Figure 12, we have a new deployment (v2), composed of our original version of Component A (v1) and a new version of Component B (v2). For requests directed to the v2 deployment, KubeFox will again make it appear as though deployment v2 is the only deployment present on the cluster.

Note that Component B (v1) is still present, and requests for the v1 deployment will still be routed as shown in Figure 11.