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Conditions provide a standard mechanism for higher-level status reporting from the KubeFox Operator. Conditions provide summary information about resources without needing to understand resource-specific status details. They complement more detailed information about the observed status of an object.


Type Status Reason Description
Available True PlatformComponentsAvailable KubeFox Broker, HTTP Server, and NATS are available.
False BrokerUnavailable KubeFox Broker is unavailable.
HTTPSrvUnavailable KubeFox HTTP Server is unavailable.
NATSUnavailable NATS is unavailable.


Type Status Reason Description
Available True ComponentsAvailable Components have minimum required Pods available.
False ComponentUnavailable One or more Components do not have minimum required Pods available.
ProblemsFound One or more problems found with AppDeployment, see status.problems for details.
Progressing False ComponentsDeployed Component Deployments completed successfully.
ComponentDeploymentFailed One or more Component Deployments failed.
ProblemsFound One or more problems found with AppDeployment, see status.problems for details.
True ComponentDeploymentProgressing One or more Component Deployments are starting, scaling, or rolling out updates.


Type Status Reason Description
ActiveReleaseAvailable True ContextAvailable Release AppDeployment and Environment are available, Routes and Adapters are valid and compatible with the VirtualEnvironment.
False NoRelease No Release made for VirtualEnvironment.
ReleasePending No active Release, Release is pending activation.
ProblemsFound One or more problems found with the active Release causing it to be unavailable, see status.activeRelease for details.
EnvironmentNotFound Environment does not exist.
ReleasePending False ReleaseActivated Release was activated.
NoRelease Release for the VirtualEnvironment is not set.
PendingDeadlineExceeded Release was not activated within pending deadline.
True ProblemsFound One or more problems found with Release preventing it from being activated, see status.pendingRelease for details.
EnvironmentNotFound Environment does not exist.