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Virtual Environments

When we think about environments today, we think about them as physical constructs, because that is what they are. Environments familiar to all of us - dev, QA, UAT, prod - exist for various reasons:

  • In dev, we want to support the work of engineering teams to provide for rapid development of new capabilities;
  • In QA, we’re collecting the works of various teams and testing them in various capacities (functional, performance, smoke, load, verification etc.);
  • In UAT, we’re running pre-production code for the purpose of enabling users and customers to validate that the proposed release meets requirements;
  • In prod, we’re running final code.

Each of these environments has a set of requirements, some of them unique. For instance, in dev and QA, we don’t want customer data, UAT should have only limited or synthetic customer data, HA is unimportant in dev but can be mission critical in prod etc. Environments enable us to build policy controls supporting these tenets. Figure 1 shows a typical dev environment.

Figure 1 - A typical Dev environment

To prevent things like adverse impacts to production customers from destructive prototypes, we segregate the environments. That segregation can take various forms. Whether the segregation occurs through different namespaces, different environments or even different clusters, significant DevOps overhead is incurred. First, we need to determine the means by which segregation will occur, then we need to build the constructs that will provide for segregation -e.g., manually building and configuring new namespaces, providing for connectivity, determining and accounting for the blast radius of the new works etc. This is especially challenging in dev because dev has competing agendas:

  1. We want developers to be able to innovate, test out new ideas, collaborate on changes, morph approaches - and do all of this freely and rapidly;
  2. We want to prevent developers from stepping on each other; from a developer productivity standpoint, dedicated systems would be ideal;
  3. We want to keep costs as low as possible, so we want to distill the supporting infrastructure (compute/storage resources, developer, QA and DevOps personnel etc.) to the smallest possible subset necessary - which, of course, is the opposite of (2).

In essence we have a dichotomy: we want an independent, flexible dev workspace that gracefully supports the innovative efforts of our teams but we want it at the lowest cost possible. And by the way, nothing can affect our production systems.

Cost-reduction efforts today focus on reducing overall required resources by actively analyzing different teams and developers within environments - for instance, manually determining common factors across teams and developers, building namespaces and infrastructure around those factors and continually reassessing and reallocating - resulting in a lot of overhead and expense. These tasks are usually performed by DevOps teams. KubeFox usurps responsibility for the difficult aspects of this process and drastically reduces DevOps overhead while simultaneously increasing the speed at which accommodations can be made for new projects.

How? KubeFox turns the concept of "environment" on its head. There are two elements of KubeFox environments:

  1. Environment

    KubeFox Environments serve largely as containers for environment variables and secrets that will be shared across KubeFox Virtual Environments (VEs).

    Environments often map to Kubernetes namespaces and traditional environments.

  2. Virtual Environments

    KubeFox Virtual Environments are wholly different and we'll delve into their capabilities on this page.

    When KubeFox VEs are defined, their definitions must include a reference to the Environment to which they belong.

    VEs can include overrides to environment variables present in the Environment.

KubeFox VEs are lightweight, malleable, virtual. They are also runtime constructs. Custom configurations (consisting of environment variables and secrets) can be created and deployed easily - either alongside a developer’s modifications or independently. In effect, it appears to the developer that their code is running inside a private sandbox unique to them. Behind the scenes, KubeFox takes care of efficiencies by deploying only what is actually unique to that developer’s efforts and sharing those components that have not changed. The developer can coexist with their colleagues - even if those colleagues are working on the same component(s) for different reasons. And DevOps overhead is drastically reduced.

One can think about KubeFox VEs as retaining the aspects of environments that help accomplish useful things like segregating workloads, providing sandboxes for POCs, developer experimentation, all the varieties of QA testing and others. However, the constraints one associates with traditional environments are gone.

You can think of KubeFox Virtual Environments as overlays. Developers are empowered to rapidly spool up sandboxes to test their POCs and ideas. And they can do so without being constrained by traditional environment or namespace related logistics, and without the bureaucracy and overhead of DevOps engagement. In turn, DevOps is unburdened from burdensome rote activities like provisioning, namespace configuration, replicating config and secrets etc.

Polina can test her new code in Virtual Environment A, which is unique to her (Figure 2):

Figure 2 - Polina testing in environment A

and then shift instantly to Virtual Environment B (Figure 3), perhaps to compare her changes with the prior version of software:

Figure 3 - Polina testing in environment B

KubeFox takes care of routing the requests correctly and injecting the appropriate credentials - not just for the datastores, but for all components composing Polina’s deployment. And by the way, Polina can run both versions of the Retail application simultaneously.

One way to think about it is that conventional developer environments are spooled up. But in actuality, KubeFox VEs are overlays. Because KubeFox routes requests and events dynamically at runtime, the limitations of traditional environments melt away. And KubeFox abstracts the configuration from the deployment, empowering teams to easily and simply modify and shift their workloads - including for deployments that have already occurred.

KubeFox segregates the developer sandboxes while leveraging its capabilities to distill the number of Pods running to only those that are unique and necessary. This is discussed in greater depth both in Versioned Deployments and Deployment Distillation.

In Figure 4, we have a complex Retail App comprising three modules: a Web UI module, a Catalog module and a Fulfillment module. Two components are shared amongst those three modules. We've released version 1 of the Retail App just to make it simple for developers to test with it.

Figure 4 - Version 1 of the Retail App

A KubeFox Release results in all default traffic being directed to the released version of the App. So for instance, we might access the home page of the released App with a command like:

curl "http://localhost:8080/dev/index.html"

By the way, you can see some extra real estate in the Web UI module - you'll see why in a moment.

Suppose we have a team of 5 engineers. Each of them is working on the Web UI module. This presents some challenges with workspace segregation, specifically around provisioning and co-development. These types of challenges that are often overcome with brute force provisioning - meaning running multiple copies of the Retail App, each consuming its own resources. KubeFox eliminates the need for active provisioning and empowers team members to develop and test very rapidly - and without requiring DevOps involvement.

Let's start with Polina. Polina makes some changes to the Web UI and then asks KubeFox to deploy them (Figure 5). When she does so - she doesn't need to tell KubeFox what has changed and what to deploy. She simply tells KubeFox to publish the Retail App when she's ready. KubeFox determines what has changed - in this case, only the Web UI module - and it builds, containerizes and loads Polina's new Web UI (we'll call it 'v2' or 'Version 2' for clarity's sake) into a Pod in the existing Dev namespace in the cluster:

Figure 5 - Polina's Version 2 Deployment of the Web UI

Note that KubeFox has distilled Polina's deployment of the Retail App to only the v2Polina version of the Web UI component. Polina can now test her version of the Web UI component side-by-side with the production version (v1). To access her version, Polina simply adds some query parameters to the HTTP URL, e.g.:

curl "http://localhost:8080/polina/index.html?kf-dep=polina-dep-v2&kf-ve=polina"

What we're doing here is asking for this request to be routed to the "polina-dep-v2" deployment (shorthand for Polina's version 2 deployment) in the "polina" Virtual Environment. Polina can create another deployment (v3 in Figure 6) if she wishes and test that alongside the base version of App and her v2 deployment:

Figure 6 - Polina's v2 and v3 Deployments

Again, all Polina has to do is to modify the Web UI and ask KubeFox to publish her new version of the Retail App - Kubefox takes care of the rest.

Let's add our additional team members as shown in Figure 7:

Figure 7 - Team Member v2 Deployments

Each engineer perceives and interacts with their modifications as if they're running in their own individual sandboxes. So Qiao sees the system in the same way as Polina did when she deployed her v2 version of the Web UI (Figure 8):

Figure 8 - Qiao's v2 Deployment

These developer-specific ‘environments’ are made possible by KubeFox. KubeFox dynamically routes traffic at runtime based upon configuration, enabling very rapid traffic shaping without redeploying code, without DevOps involvement and without provisioning management.