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Fox release

fox release

Release specified AppDeployment and VirtualEnvironment


The release command activates the routes of the components belonging to the specified AppDeployment. This causes genesis events matching components' routes to be automatically sent to the component with the specified VirtualEnvironment being injected.

The AppDeployment can be identified by its name, commit, short-commit (first 7 characters), version, Git tag, or Git branch. 🦊 Fox will inspect the Kubernetes cluster to find a matching AppDeployment. If more than one AppDeployment is found you will be prompted to select the desired AppDeployment.

fox release <NAME | COMMIT | SHORT COMMIT | VERSION | TAG | BRANCH> [flags]


# Release the AppDeployment named 'main' using the 'dev' Virtual Environment.
fox release main --virtual-env dev

# Release the AppDeployment with version 'v1.2.3' using the 'prod' 
# VirtualEnvironment.
fox release v1.2.3 --virtual-env prod


      --dry-run              submit server-side request without persisting the resource
  -h, --help                 help for release
  -n, --namespace string     namespace of KubeFox Platform
  -p, --platform string      name of KubeFox Platform to utilize
  -e, --virtual-env string   name of VirtualEnvironment to use for Release
      --wait duration        wait up to the specified time for components to be ready

Options inherited from parent commands

  -a, --app string                 path to directory containing KubeFox App
  -i, --info                       enable info output
  -o, --output string              output format, one of ["json", "yaml"] (default "yaml")
      --registry-address string    address of your container registry
      --registry-token string      access token for your container registry
      --registry-username string   username for your container registry
  -m, --timeout duration           timeout for command (default 5m0s)
  -v, --verbose                    enable verbose output


  • fox - CLI for interacting with KubeFox