- type ComponentDep
- type EnvVarDep
- type EventHandler
- type EventReader
- type EventRoundTripper
- func (rt *EventRoundTripper) Do(httpReq *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
- func (rt *EventRoundTripper) RoundTrip(httpReq *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
- type EventWriter
- type Kit
- func New() Kit
- type Kontext
- type Req
- type Resp
type ComponentDep
type ComponentDep interface {
Name() string
App() string
Type() api.ComponentType
EventType() api.EventType
type EnvVarDep
type EventHandler
type EventReader
type EventReader interface {
EventType() api.EventType
Param(key string) string
ParamV(key string) *api.Val
ParamDef(key string, def string) string
URL() (*url.URL, error)
PathSuffix() string
Query(key string) string
QueryV(key string) *api.Val
QueryDef(key string, def string) string
QueryAll(key string) []string
Header(key string) string
HeaderV(key string) *api.Val
HeaderDef(key string, def string) string
HeaderAll(key string) []string
Status() int
StatusV() *api.Val
Bind(v any) error
Str() string
Bytes() []byte
type EventRoundTripper
func (*EventRoundTripper) Do
func (*EventRoundTripper) RoundTrip
type EventWriter
type EventWriter interface {
SetParam(key, value string)
SetParamV(key string, value *api.Val)
SetURL(u *url.URL)
RewritePath(path string)
SetQuery(key, value string)
SetQueryV(key string, value *api.Val)
DelQuery(key string)
SetHeader(key, value string)
SetHeaderV(key string, value *api.Val)
AddHeader(key, value string)
DelHeader(key string)
SetStatus(code int)
SetStatusV(val *api.Val)
type Kit
type Kit interface {
// Start connects to the Broker passing the Component's Service Account
// Token to authenticate. Once connected Kit will accept incoming request
// Events. If an error occurs the program will exit with a status code of 1.
// Start is a blocking call.
// Route registers an EventHandler for the specified rule. If an incoming
// Event matches the rule the Broker will route it to the Component and Kit
// will call the EventHandler. Routes must be registered before calling
// Start().
// Rules are written in a simple predicate based language that matches parts
// of an Event. Some predicates accept inputs which should be surrounded
// with back ticks. The boolean operators '&&' (and) and '||' (or) can be
// used to combined predicates. Predicates can be negated with the '!' (not)
// operator. The following predicates are supported:
// All()
// Matches all Events.
// Header(`key`, `value`)
// Matches if a header `key` exists and is equal to `value`.
// Host(``)
// Matches if the domain (host header value) is equal to input.
// Method(`GET`, ...)
// Matches if the request method is one of the given methods (GET, POST,
// Path(`/path`)
// Matches if the request path is equal to given input.
// PathPrefix(`/prefix`)
// Matches if the request path begins with given input.
// Query(`key`, `value`)
// Matches if a query parameter `key` exists and is equal to `value`.
// Type(`value`)
// Matches if Event type is equal to given input.
// Predicate inputs can utilize regular expressions to match and optionally
// extract parts of an Event to a named parameter. Regular expression use
// the format '{<NAME>}' or '{[NAME]:<REGEX>}' to extract the matching part
// to a parameter.
// Environment variables can be utilized in predicate inputs. They are
// resolved at request time with the value specified in the
// VirtualEnvironment. Utilized environment variables are required to be set
// in the VirtualEnvironment. Environment variables can be used with the
// format '{{.Env.<NAME>}}'.
// For example, the following will match Events of type 'http' that are
// 'GET' requests and have a path with three parts. The first part of the
// path must equal the value of the environment variable 'SUB_PATH', the
// second part must equal the string literal 'orders', and the third part
// can be one or more lower case letters or numbers. The third part of the
// path is extracted to the parameter 'orderId' which can be used by the
// EventHandler:
// kit.Route("Type(`http`) && Method(`GET`) && Path(`/{{.Env.SUB_PATH}}/orders/{orderId:[a-z0-9]+}`)",
// func(ktx kit.Kontext) error {
// return ktx.Resp().SendStr("The orderId is ", ktx.Param("orderId"))
// })
Route(rule string, handler EventHandler)
Static(pathPrefix string, fsPrefix string, fs fs.FS)
// Default registers a default EventHandler. If Kit receives an Event from
// the Broker that does not match any registered rules the default
// EventHandler is called.
Default(handler EventHandler)
// EnvVar registers an environment variable dependency with given options.
// The returned EnvVarDep can be used by EventHandlers to retrieve the value
// of the environment variable at request time.
// For example:
// v := kit.EnvVar("SOME_VAR")
// kit.Route("Any()", func(ktx kit.Kontext) error {
// return ktx.Resp().SendStr("the value of SOME_VAR is ", ktx.Env(v))
// })
EnvVar(name string, opts ...env.VarOption) EnvVarDep
// Component registers a Component dependency. The returned ComponentDep can
// be used by EventHandlers to invoke the Component at request time.
// For example:
// b := kit.Component("backend")
// kit.Route("Any()", func(ktx kit.Kontext) error {
// r, _ := ktx.Req(backend).Send()
// return ktx.Resp().SendStr("the resp from backend is ", r.Str())
// })
Component(name string) ComponentDep
// HTTPAdapter registers a dependency on the named HTTP Adapter. The
// returned ComponentDep can be used by EventHandlers to invoke the Adapter
// at request time.
// For example:
// h := kit.HTTPAdapter("httpbin")
// kit.Route("Any()", func(ktx kit.Kontext) error {
// r, _ := ktx.HTTP(h).Get("/anything")
// return ktx.Resp().SendReader(r.Header.Get("content-type"), r.Body)
// })
HTTPAdapter(name string) ComponentDep
// Title sets the Component's title.
Title(title string)
// Description sets the Component's description.
Description(description string)
// Log returns a pre-configured structured logger for the Component.
Log() *logkf.Logger
func New
type Kontext
type Kontext interface {
// Env returns the value of the given environment variable as a string. If
// the environment variable does not exist or cannot be converted to a
// string, empty string is returned. To check if an environment exists use
// EnvV() and check if the returned api.Val's is 'Nil'.
Env(v EnvVarDep) string
// EnvV returns the value of the given environment variable as an api.Val.
// It is guaranteed the returned api.Val will not be nil. If the environment
// variable does not exist the api.ValType of the returned api.Val will be
// 'Nil'.
EnvV(v EnvVarDep) *api.Val
// EnvDef returns the value of the given environment variable as a string.
// If the environment variable does not exist, is empty, or cannot be
// converted to a string, then the given 'def' string is returned.
EnvDef(v EnvVarDep, def string) string
// EnvDefV returns the value of the given environment variable as an
// api.Val. If the environment variable does not exist, is an empty string,
// or an empty array, then the given 'def' api.Val is returned. If the
// environment variable exists and is a boolean or number, then it's value
// will be returned.
EnvDefV(v EnvVarDep, def *api.Val) *api.Val
// Resp returns a Resp object that can be used to send a response Event to
// the source of the current request.
Resp() Resp
// Req returns an empty Req object that can be used to send a request Event
// to the given target Component.
Req(target ComponentDep) Req
// Forward returns a clone of the current request Event as a Req object that
// can be used to send it to the given target Component.
Forward(target ComponentDep) Req
// HTTP returns a native Go http.Client. Any requests made with the client
// are sent to the given target Component. The target should be capable of
// processing HTTP requests.
HTTP(target ComponentDep) *http.Client
// HTTP returns a native go http.RoundTripper. This is useful to integrate
// with HTTP based libraries.
Transport(target ComponentDep) http.RoundTripper
// Context returns a context.Context with it's duration set to the TTL of
// the current request.
Context() context.Context
// Log returns a pre-configured structured logger for the current request.
Log() *logkf.Logger
type Req
type Req interface {
// SendStr sends the request to the target Component and returns the
// response. The given string is used as the content of the request Event,
// content-type is set to 'text/plain'.
SendStr(s string) (EventReader, error)
// SendHTML sends the request to the target Component and returns the
// response. The given HTML is used as the content of the request Event,
// content-type is set to 'text/html'.
SendHTML(h string) (EventReader, error)
// SendJSON sends the request to the target Component and returns the
// response. The given object is marshalled to JSON and the output is used
// as the content of the request Event, content-type is set to
// 'application/json'.
SendJSON(v any) (EventReader, error)
// SendBytes sends the request to the target Component using the given
// content-type and content and returns the response.
SendBytes(contentType string, content []byte) (EventReader, error)
// SendReader sends the request to the target Component and returns the
// response. All data is read from the given reader and is used as the
// content of the request Event. If the reader implements io.ReadCloser then
// it will be automatically closed.
SendReader(contentType string, reader io.Reader) (EventReader, error)
// Send sends the request to the target Component and returns the response.
Send() (EventReader, error)
type Resp
type Resp interface {
// Forward sends the response to the source Component of the current
// request. The response Event is a clone of the given Event.
Forward(evt EventReader) error
// SendStr sends the response to the source Component of the current
// request. The given string is used as the content of the response Event,
// content-type is set to 'text/plain'.
SendStr(s ...string) error
// SendHTML sends the response to the source Component of the current
// request. The given HTML is used as the content of the response Event,
// content-type is set to 'text/html'.
SendHTML(h string) error
// SendJSON sends the response to the source Component of the current
// request. The given object is marshalled to JSON and the output is used as
// the content of the response Event, content-type is set to
// 'application/json'.
SendJSON(v any) error
// SendAccepts sends the response to the source Component using one of the
// given values based on the 'Accept' header of the request Event.
SendAccepts(json any, html, str string) error
// SendBytes sends the response to the source Component of the current
// request using the given content-type and content.
SendBytes(contentType string, b []byte) error
// SendReader sends the response to the source Component of the current
// request. All data is read from the given reader and is used as the
// content of the response Event. If the reader implements io.ReadCloser
// then it will be automatically closed.
SendReader(contentType string, reader io.Reader) error
SendTemplate(tpl *template.Template, name string, data any) error
SendHTMLTemplate(tpl *htmltpl.Template, name string, data any) error
// Send sends the response to the source Component of the current request.
Send() error
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